
29% of current BlackBerry users want an iPhone next

And another 21% want Android

29% of current BlackBerry users want an iPhone next
The headlines might be on the company's problems in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, and today's much anticipated 9800 reveal, but here are some other figures for RIM's directors to ponder.

Despite being the most popular smartphone OS in the US, and once again outselling iPhone globally in Q2 2010, BlackBerry users are looking to upgrade to the competition in a way that's not reflected by iPhone and Android users.

Grass is greener

So while 89 percent of iPhone users and 71 percent of Android users say they'll stick with their respective brands, that's a mere 42 percent when it comes to BlackBerry.

Indeed over a fifth of Blackberry users are looking to update to Android, while well over a quarter are eyeing up iPhone.

Still, with a fifth of Android users planning to get an iPhone next time, compared to a relatively tiny 11 percent of iPhone users who will swap Apple for another other device, it's clear that Cupertino still rules the future discretionary spending plans of US consumers, at least according to this Nielsen survey.

[source: Business Insider]

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A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.