
Metaio announces insideAR conference for September 27

Get to Munich for the real deal

Metaio announces insideAR conference for September 27
Augmented reality is a phrase that's being used with increasing frequency - Samsung was at it yesterday - so it's good timing for German AR specialist metaio to announce its insideAR conference.

Held on September 27 in Munich, Germany, it will feature practical examples, live demonstrations, and research insights from the company, using its junaio mobile browser platform that's running on iPhone and Android, as well as its more general Unifeye technology.

Afterhours fun

Business models, industrial applications and case studies will also be covered, before everyone decamps to Oktoberfest for some beery evening networking. Up until that point, the language of the conference will be English.

Numbers are limited with an early bird rate of €145 applying until August 31. The regular price is €195.

Full details can be found on the metaio website or via PDF here.
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.