
Original free game promo site Appvent Calendar set to open again for 2010

What's behind the doors

Original free game promo site Appvent Calendar set to open again for 2010
The original free app a day website Appvent Calendar is almost back in action. 

Kickstarting another month of free games (until December 25, at least), Blacksmith Games' site will launch on December 1, and is currently looking for submissions for its main door spots, which are available for free.

Beardy joy

In addition, there's a consumer competition. You're encouraged to dress up as Santa Claus and record a two minute video of you doing 'something creative'.

All the entries will be shown on the Appvent YouTube channel on December 16, with the top 10 most viewed gaining prizes ranging from $15 iTunes cards, up to a Parrot AR.Drone, an iPad, or a 13@ MacBook for the top three.

You can get more details via the Appvent Calendar website.
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A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.