
Google to help devs bring Chrome apps to iOS and Android

Looking to expand reach

Google to help devs bring Chrome apps to iOS and Android

Google is to extend the reach of Chrome apps with the launch of a new tool designed to aid developers take their titles over to iOS and Android.

The search giant is to utilise open source mobile dev framework Apache Cordova to enable studios to wrap their Chrome apps in a native application shell.

Said shell allows developers to distribute said releases on the App Store and Google Play.

Seamless transition

Chrome apps have long been available across Windows, Mac and Google's own Chrome OS, but now Google is looking to boost take up by offering easy porting to Android and iOS.

In order to keep the porting process as stress-free as possible, the framework comes packed with all of the essential, mobile ready, Chrome APIs.

Naturally, Google wants every ported Chrome app to be indistinguishable from its native counterpart, so, to keep standards high, the company claims it is "continually improving" Apache Cordova through developer feedback.

There's currently no word on when we can expect to see Chrome apps hit iOS and Android platforms, with the framework currently in beta.

[source: Chromium]

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