
Google’s Play Pass service offers over 350 games and apps for $5 a month

Anything Apple can do

Google’s Play Pass service offers over 350 games and apps for $5 a month

Anything Apple can do, Google can do better. That seems to be the takeaway from the reveal of Google Play Pass.

Like Apple Arcade, it’s a $4.99 monthly subscription for mobile games that come without ads and IAPs.

It also has a strong child-friendly element as you can share the pass with up to five family members.

Quantity versus quality

One big difference, however, is Play Pass launches with 350 apps and games (mainly previous paid titles), compared to 71 launch games for Apple Arcade.

The reason for this disparity in scale is Play Pass’ content is a curated selection of existing Android titles whereas Apple Arcade is focused on brand new IP or bringing games from PC and Switch to mobile.

In terms of how Play Pass will roll out, it’s coming to US users this week and additional countries “soon”. It will available free for one week, unlike Apple Arcade’s free month.

Content-wise, highlighted titles include Stardew Valley, Old Man’s Journey, Monument Valley 2, Limbo, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Reigns: Game of Thrones. New titles will be added monthly.

Developers will earn revenue proportionally to how much their content is used.

You can find out more details at the new Google Play Pass landing page.

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.