
The Very Big Indie Pitch at Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan 2019
Nov 2nd - 3rd 2019

The Very Big Indie Pitch at Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan 2019

Amman, Jordan

Date & Times: Saturday, November 2nd - 3rd 2019
9am to 6pm
Location: Amman, Jordan
Region: Middle East
Expected Size: 500 - 1,000
Target Audience: Developers, Indie Developers, Creatives, Marketing, Students, Investors, Publishers, Tool Providers, Media, YouTubers / Streamers
Event Type: Conference
Featured Platforms: iOS, Android, Console, Handheld Console, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality

We're retruning once again to Jordan, but this time we're bringing the bumper Very Big Indie Pitch with us as a part of the very first Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan. So, come along and join us as we take a look at some of the best indies from around the world.

The Very Big Indie Pitch at Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan, will be exactly what it says on the tin: a mammoth developer pitching competition open to all types of independent developers working on mobile, wearables, or handheld games, wherever they are.

Who? What?

The Very Big Indie Pitch will kick off with a preliminary round of submissions to identify the best talent (and allow overseas developers a chance to be shortlisted), we’ll then progress to the face-to-face pitch which takes place as a part of Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan 2019.

As always, this means we'll be brinigng together a host of leading mobile game journalists in one room, together with partner sponsors from the publishing and middleware sector and industry experts. Developers will then be given 4 minutes to pitch to each judges table in a ‘speed dating’ style.

Once all the developers have pitched, the judges confer and pick five finalists. Those shortlisted will then spend Day 2 showcasing their game to PGC delegates. The finalists will subsequently take turns to introduce their game to the audience at the end of Day 2, before the winners from the vote are announced on stage.

Profile and prizes

Aside from editorial coverage and the chance to get their game in front of the leading media influencers and potential publisher partners, this VERY Big Indie Pitch will also reward the top developers with a range or bespoke Indie Prizes which allow the recipients access to a range of Steel Media's advertorial and consultancy services.

The top 5 developers will also win expo space for the second day of the show, and the top 3 will all be interviewed by PocketGamer.Biz too.


To register for The Very Big Indie Pitch at Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan 2019 then simply head over to our REGISTRATION PAGE and register your details.

Entries need to be in by October 31st 2019 (but the earlier, the better as space is limited) and if you get the nod we’ll be in touch with all the details (including your TWO FREE passes to Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan). Note: Non-shortlisted entries do qualify for a discounted PGC Jordan ticket.

We'll get in touch with you nearer the time to confirm whether you have received a place on the pitch.

Oh and if you're not sure what to expect, then you can check out all the epicness from this year's Very Big Indie Pitch at Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco.

Any questions, or if you would like to get involved as a judge, then please contact the Big Indie Pitch Manager Sophia Aubrey Drake at: sophia.drake@steelmedia.co.uk


King Hussein Business Park
King Abdullah II St.

Show map

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