
HTC backs $1.5 billion VR investment fund in China

Vive manufacturer will also help set up a new research initiative to grow the local market

HTC backs $1.5 billion VR investment fund in China

Vive VR manufacturer HTC has partnered with the Shenzhen Municipal Government to research new virtual reality technology and invest $1.5 billion (10 billion CNY) into the sector in China.

The Shenzhen Municipal Government will support HTC in setting up a China VR Research Institute.

The aim of the initiative is to support the development and launch of technologies in sensors, display, graphics, data visualisation, user input and more.

It is hoped that various enterprises, universities, research institutes and investment organisations will all participate in the scheme and drive advances in VR.

Real investment

A $1.5 billion Shenzhen VR Investment Fund has also been established by HTC in collaboration with the Shenzhen Industry Guiding Fund that aims become the world’s largest single VR-focused fund.

It is hoped the investment will assist the development of the VR sector and accelerate the growth of China’s VR ecosystem and market.

Head of Content

Craig Chapple is a freelance analyst, consultant and writer with specialist knowledge of the games industry. He has previously served as Senior Editor at, as well as holding roles at Sensor Tower, Nintendo and Develop.