
Microsoft readying web version of Windows Phone Marketplace for autumn launch

Due to coincide with Mango roll out

Microsoft readying web version of Windows Phone Marketplace for autumn launch
Every smartphone OS is a work in process and, later to the party than most, Microsoft has already added numerous features to Windows Phone that were previously missing at launch.

Copy and paste is the most notable example, but coinciding with the platform's next major update 'Mango', Microsoft is also planning to right another wrong: it's launching a web version of Windows Phone Marketplace.

Same store, new home

"The web version of Marketplace will launch with the new OS later this year and give customers another vehicle for discovering your great apps and games," announced Windows Marketplace senior director Todd Brix.

"Just as on the phone, customers will be able to browse the full catalog, view screenshots, read application details and reviews and choose from all of the supported languages for that app.

"With the Web version of Marketplace, we will also have more placement areas in which to provide featured apps with extra visibility and merchandising possibilities."

Developers won't have to do anything for their apps to be listed on the new portal, assured Brix, with its library sourced directly from the existing roster already available on Marketplace.

However, it's not a simple port: Microsoft is also keen to ensure it meets the demands of the web, allowing users to share their discoveries with friends.

Share and share alike

"Customers will be able to share their favourite apps by embedding a link in emails or articles or make a recommendation through Facebook or Twitter," added Brix.

"Purchases are charged against the credit card already linked to the customer's existing Windows Live ID. The apps will be automatically downloaded over-the-air to the customer's Windows Phone, or can be optionally installed later."

Microsoft hasn't put an exact date on the web version of the marketplace, though launching alongside Mango means it should roll out at some point this autumn.

[source: Microsoft]

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.