
Google rolls out tablet-focused Android Developer Lab days to New York, LA and Seattle

4 leg tour split over 6 days in August, September

Google rolls out tablet-focused Android Developer Lab days to New York, LA and Seattle
Though anyone living in Bangalore reading this will have already missed their leg, Google has unveiled a new branch of its Android Developer Labs focused on tablet development.

Each event will roll through four locations, with the first now taking place in the Indian city.

Tablet times

Seattle, New York and Los Angeles are the other stops on the tour, with the first two benefiting from two separate one day events on August 15 and 16, and August 23 and 24 respectively.

LA's one day lab will run on September 2.

"This ADL series isn’t another set of introduction-to-Android sessions, nor any other kind of general overview"” said Google's Tim Bray on the Android Developers blog.

"It's specifically aimed at optimising Android apps for tablets, in particular creating high-quality tablet apps with an emphasis on polish and user-experience."

Google is accepting registrations from all parties, though it has warned it can only accommodate a "relatively small number of attendees" As such, Google will judge applicants on their "potential to be a top-tier tablet app in terms of quality, fit, and finish".

[source: Android Developers blog]

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.