
Urban Airship schools push notification practice in new 'Good Push Guide'

The dos and don'ts of pushing

Urban Airship schools push notification practice in new 'Good Push Guide'
Infrastructure specialist Urban Airship is looking to make the most of its push notifications knowledge by launching a guide designed to illustrate the best ways to utisilise the practice.

Dubbed 'The Pocket Guide to Good Push', the publication looks to to offer quick-hit points for those in the industry looking to employ push notifications, boiling the process down to seven key areas.

Push it real good

"Just like every other new communications channel that's come along, there's potential for good and bad push," said CMO Brent Hieggelke.

"If you're not delivering value, they'll turn push off or delete the app all together," added spokesperson Corey Gault.

Key points include the ability to allow users to alter just when and why they receive notifications, an assurance that all the messages are relevant (promo sales pushes not regularly embraced) and also an insistance that they are consistent with the firm's brand.

Urban Airship also stresses the importance of notifications being entertaining or engaging – rewards, such as a link to a video, often welcomed – and that need to make use of the user's current situation, such as utilising their location.

Talking tales

Urban Airship has also launched a website full of animation shorts - one of which can be seen below - in conjunction with advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy.

'Tales of Good Push' serves up videos that focus on the seven key areas established by the firm's good push guide.

You can download the The Pocket Guide to Good Push from Urban Airship's website.

[source: Oregan Live]

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.