
Meet and party with Pocket Gamer at Mobile World Congress

All happening in Barcelona next week

Meet and party with Pocket Gamer at Mobile World Congress
If it's late February, then it's time for the mobile industry to sling its hook over to Barcelona for Mobile World Congress.

Not known for mobile games content, nevertheless for the past couple of years, Pocket Gamer has been steadily working away to make it a more friendly place for game developers.

And this year, we've bought some friends with us.

Hit the dance floor

So following our highly successful Casual Connect 2013 event, we've hooked up with the reborn BlackBerry, social gaming platform PlayPhone, game development platform Ludei and haptics interaction experts Immersion for a little soiree on Tuesday 26 February.

You can check out the event page for more details and to ensure you get your ticket.

Of course, during the show, various members of Pocket Gamer will also be rambling around, available for meetings, demos and the like.

You can email jon [at] for editorial and chris [at] for sales and business development affairs.

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.