
Mobile VAS & Apps Conference is looking for the next big apps and games

Bringing together Russian devs, publishers and investors

Mobile VAS & Apps Conference is looking for the next big apps and games

It may be entering its 10th year, but the Mobile VAS & Apps Conference is still evolving.

Organised by Russian app and game publisher i-Free, the 2013 edition - to be held in St Petersburg on 21-22 November - has announced its Mobile Project Show.

Hook ups

This is a new networking opportunity for developers working on games and apps and who are looking for investors and/or publishers.

"We want the Mobile Projects Show to be an ideal meeting place for mobile product owners, investors and publishers," said Ekaterina Ivanova, who heads the i-Free Events division.

"The finest experts will choose the projects we believe to be of the greatest promise, and we'll put those projects in a position of maximum visibility for investors and publishers. For them this will be a fast-track to finding the right project to buy into."

Participation is free, in fact if you're accepted you'll get a 50 percent discount on entry, but applications must be made before 25 October.

Developers can find out more details via the website, while interested publishers and investor can register here

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.