
Nevermind social features for users, iOS 5 should sport a social network for developers argues Angry Mob's Bogdan Iliesiu

Linking up studios would aid cross-promotion

Nevermind social features for users, iOS 5 should sport a social network for developers argues Angry Mob's Bogdan Iliesiu
The latest update to Game Center winging its way to iPhone via iOS 5 already has discoverability at its core – game recommendations a notable, if unproven, new tool in its arsenal.

However, Bogdan Iliesiu – CEO of multiplatform studio Angry Mob Games – believes there's still much work to be done when it comes to aiding visibility on the App Store, advocating the development of a social network for developers.

It's a venture he believes could help outfits club together, cross-promoting their titles en masse – an area ad platforms are already moving into.

We caught up with Bogdan to ask why he thinks going social on smartphones is for studios too.

Pocket Gamer: The update to Game Center looks set to import more Xbox Live-style features. How do you think this will increase user engagement?

Bogdan Iliesiu: Well, let's hope people won't get any privacy concerns around showing their photos, and they'll continue to make friends even among strangers on Game Center – it's a good way to build the community.

It's possible people will now add all of the friends they have with iOS devices, even if they don't play games that much.

How do you think its game recommendations will change the promotional opportunities open to you?

I'm not sure how many people were actually using the Genius feature on the App Store - maybe they'll check out this one more often.

It's definitely a welcome addition. It would be even nicer if developers could choose which apps to showcase on it - maybe build a developer social network too.

Given AirPlay Mirroring requires Apple TV to function, do you see it playing a major role in releases on iOS 5, or is it a first step towards acclimatising iOS users to TV-based play?

I'm really curious about this. It's a bit of a gimmick right now - more of an extra feature used by developers for marketing purposes.

If people actually start making use of it, it would be really great addition to our games, too. Muffin Knight would be super fun on a large screen.

Do you plan to work support for iCloud into past releases, and more generally, how do you think it will impact game?

I'm not sure we'll include iCloud to our past games. If fans request it, we definitely could, especially for Predators, which is universal.

Indeed, the guy next to me is adding it to Muffin Knight as I speak. It definitely makes sense for this release, as it's universal and sports a free version, which with iCloud will save your progress when you upgrade to the full game.

Is there anything missing from iOS 5 from a game development perspective?

The developer social network I mentioned earlier could be really good – it would encourage communication between the devs, plus help with cross-promoting the indie titles.

Each game could have a custom Game Center page where devs could add various tools. It could also contain community forums, app recommendations, dev announcements, trailers and the game's Facebook page.

Thanks to Bogdan for his time.

You can find out more about Angry Mob Games on the studio's website.

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.