
Nokia using Oxicash for N-Gage payments in India

Virtual wallet making it easier to buy games

Nokia using Oxicash for N-Gage payments in India
Just yesterday, Nokia's Tero Ojanpera was talking about the increasing importance of emerging markets to mobile game sales.

Now his own company is showing willing, with news that Nokia is using the Oxicash virtual wallet system to let people buy N-Gage games in India.

As reported on the official N-Gage blog, people can create an account at the Oxicash website, which is run by Oxigen, and then pay money into their account using a debit card or by paying cash at a local shop.

Activation codes for games can then be bought via the N-Gage Store page on the Oxicash website, including one and seven day passes or permanent activations.

Nokia has paid particular attention to India with N-Gage. In October last year, Nokia India launched a promotion giving away free N-Gage games to market its gaming platform.
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Stuart is a freelance journalist and blogger who's been getting paid to write stuff since 1998. In that time, he's focused on topics ranging from Sega's Dreamcast console to robots. That's what you call versatility. (Or a short attention span.)