
GetJar survey reveals mobile games popularity

Among mobile gamers

GetJar survey reveals mobile games popularity
62 per cent of people play games on their mobile more than on their console or PC. Break out the bunting!

Oh, but hang on: there are caveats. The stat comes from a survey conducted by GetJar among its customers, who tend to be heavy mobile content users.

In other words, it shouldn't be taken as a wider sign that people are throwing out their PS3s and Wiis in favour of iPhones and N96s. Not yet, at least.

GetJar surveyed 2,000 of its European users to celebrate passing the 400 million app downloads mark.

It also found that 43 per cent use mobile apps when travelling on public transport, 17 per cent at night before going to sleep, and 14 per cent when they are "doing nothing else in particular".

The survey also identified email and messaging apps as the most popular genre of application among GetJar customers, with 25 per cent saying this category is their first choice.

But games were only just behind with 24 per cent, while music came in third with 15 per cent.

GetJar's survey also found that 33 per cent of respondents find apps via word-of-mouth recommendation, while 17 per cent find them via mobile browsing and search.

Interestingly, only 43 per cent of people said they use their operator's portal to find mobile content, with 57 per cent saying they didn't.

Although, again, given that GetJar is an off-deck service, its users are likely to be less portal-focused than the general population.

Contributing Editor

Stuart is a freelance journalist and blogger who's been getting paid to write stuff since 1998. In that time, he's focused on topics ranging from Sega's Dreamcast console to robots. That's what you call versatility. (Or a short attention span.)