
Online takeaway brand Just-Eat releases iPhone physics game

Angry Birds breadcrumbed

Online takeaway brand Just-Eat releases iPhone physics game
It's no surprise game developers are looking to feed into the great explosion of iPhone trajectory physics games, but it has come to something when an online takeaway service is releasing them.

But that's exactly what's happened with Belly & Brain, the Angry Birds-esque game from the UK branch of Danish outfit Just-Eat.

Cooking up a storm

Of course, over the years, there have been plenty of food-based advertorial games - everyone from Burger King to Red Bull, Chupa Chups and 7Up - has experimented.

One thing Just-Eat appears to have done differently is to actually make a decent, free game.

Developed by Lava Level Games, Belly & Brain consists of over 120 levels, in which you have to fire food from Brain's cannon into Belly's mouth. Different food types, such as bouncing orange bombs, exploding eggs and melon bombs provide variation.

Additional levels updates are already being planned, as well as versions of the game for iPad and Android.

Of course, you can order takeaways online in-app too, although the reason for making the game is more likely to be focused on brand development, as the two characters also feature in the company's advertising.

You can see more of their antics at the Belly & Brain website.

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A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.