
Ansca Mobile's 5 title strong 99c Corona Indie Bundle goes live on iOS and Android

17% of proceeds going to charity

Ansca Mobile's 5 title strong 99c Corona Indie Bundle goes live on iOS and Android
Announced towards the end of September, Ansca Mobile has revealed its 99c/69p charity bundle - the 'Corona Indie Bundle' - has gone live on both iOS and Android.

The five-game-strong pack - which includes The Secret of Grisly Manor from Maple Fire Gaes, Chickens Quest from GuGuGames, Fu-Design's Robot 99, Walkabout by Base 2, and Crawl Space Games' Float - was inspired by the Hundle Indie Bundle for PC, with all titles built using the firm's Corona SDK.

"I saw how successful the 'Humble Bundle' was on the PC side - especially its charitable aspect - and I was struck that nobody had done it yet for mobile," said Corona developer Brock Henderson, who originally pitched the idea to Ansca Mobile's founders.

"Once Ansca was up for it, we reached out to developers whom we thought had excellent Corona-made games, and got a nice variety to include in the 'Corona Indie Bundle.'"

Bundle bounce

In total, games included in the bundle have amassed downloads of more than 2.25 million, and Ansca Mobile co-founder Carlos Icaza believes their proven track record will push the pack out to fresh audiences.

"These games really don't need any help with publicity or sales," he added.

"Yet we decided to join forces and present them as one hard-to-pass-up bundle to raise money for some great causes.

"To me, that shows the ingenuous and charitable nature of our Corona developers - which is also what makes our community thrive."

Charities benefitting from the pack include the Bliss charity for premature babies in the UK, the Child's Play charity for providing toys to sick kids, and el Dispensario de Managua charity for the poor in Nicaragua.

The firm has previously confirmed a sixth game will also be made available should the bundle reach 100,000 downloads.

[source: PRWeb]

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