
You need transparency to optimise your UA, says Papaya, rolling out AppFlood's new visibility smarts

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You need transparency to optimise your UA, says Papaya, rolling out AppFlood's new visibility smarts
With volumes on PapayaMobile's cross-promotion ad service AppFlood now over 200 million impressions a month, the company is keen to push on.

So having added iOS to its Android foundation, the non-incentivised platform for buying, selling and exchanging mobile app traffic is releasing a set of tools that enable developers to get more visibility when it comes to optimising traffic sources.

Drilling down deep

The first feature is what Papaya calls the Open Direct Deal Network.

it says this combines the transparency of direct one-to-one deals between publishers and advertisers with the reach of a mobile advertising network.

It works by enabling you to see the performance of every other app on the Open Direct Deal Network.

You can then identify which apps provide the most potential in terms of publishing or cross-promotion campaigns, and then set up your own direct deals.

It's important to note that AppFlood doesn't take a cut on any direct deals or on network-bought traffic either.

More see-through

The other new features are Multi-Dimension Analytics and Ad Network Mediation.

Ad Network Mediation enables developers to directly compare app performance across AppFlood's partner networks such as Appia, Cyberagent, Unicume, Clickky, Altrooz and Motive Interactive.

Multi-Dimension Analytics enables you to make comparisons across multiple variables.

For example, you could analyse an app's eCPM based on Country+App Partner+Network X, and then compare this to its performance for Country+App Partner+Network Y.

Clear view

"AppFlood's new features raise the bar for visibility, openness and accountability in the mobile app cross-promotion space," said Si Shen, PapayaMobile's CEO.

"Transparency has become a vital competitive advantage in mobile advertising, but so far traditional mobile ad networks can't deliver the visibility developers really want. AppFlood now has the openness developers need to deliver app marketing campaigns that are targeted, flexible and effective."

You can find out more about AppFlood here.
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.