
Samsung to roll out bada 2.0 across all Wave handsets

But lower specs may hamper performance

Samsung to roll out bada 2.0 across all Wave handsets
Samsung may have billed its three new Wave handsets – Wave 3, Wave M and Wave Y – as the first to run bada 2.0, but it appears older devices will also benefit from the refreshed platform.

The Korean firm has confirmed via Twitter that existing Wave devices will be updated to run bada 2.0 at some point before the end of 2011.

However, the company has also admitted the platform's performance may differ from phone to phone.

Riding the wave

"The 2.0 upgrade for Wave devices will be available from 4Q (starting Europe) in different countries gradually," tweeted Samsung's bada account, before going on to clarify that "all Wave devices" would be included, but "2.0 features could be different" depending on the handset's specs.

Samsung's three new Wave phones were officially unveiled during IFA 2011 in Berlin, with a commercial launch pencilled in for October.

It's not yet clear whether the 2.0 update for existing devices will be rolled out at the same time, or held back until later in the quarter to give the new handsets an advantage at retail.

[source: Unwired View]

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.