
'Queer geek culture' games conference GaymerX gets set for San Francisco splash

EA and Xbox support August event

'Queer geek culture' games conference GaymerX gets set for San Francisco splash
GaymerX, the Kickstarter-funded renaissance of GaymerCon, is schedule to take place in San Francisco from August 3 to August 4.

Billing itself as "the first gaming convention focused on the queer geek culture", GaymerX will feature panels and talks with an eye toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues in the modern games industry.

Yet alongside talks like 'Electronic Arts - Why We Think It is Important To Create More LGBT Inclusive Games' are panels with a broader scope like 'So you want to be an indie developer'.

Said panel will discuss everything from which engine or tool is right for a developer's first indie release to how to pitch a game to the right publisher.

Fundraising and feedback

After that's sorted, a stopover at 'How to Run a Successful Kickstarter Campaign' will help aspiring developers address that missing 'something' that separates a funded Kickstarter campaign from a failed one.

Finally, 'Providing Feedback to Developers: How to be Heard and Listened' to sees Dragon Age's lead writer David Gaider join with BioWare community manager Jessica Merizan and community event specialist Chris Priestly as they lead a panel on how players can best make their voices heard by developers.

Those interested in learning more about GaymerX can visit the event's website.

US Correspondent

Representing the former colonies, Matt keeps the Pocket Gamer news feed updated when sleepy Europeans are sleeping. As a frustrated journalist, diehard gamer and recovering MMO addict, this is pretty much his dream job.