
Built in ‘pico projectors’ to bring big screen gaming to your mobile?

Developers looking to break free from the micro screen

Built in ‘pico projectors’ to bring big screen gaming to your mobile?
Several mobile handset manufacturers have latched onto the idea of miniature projectors built in to their phones to get around the inherently limited LCD screens, as MobileGamesBlog and Pocket Picks have been examining.

Over at MobileGameBlog, ‘pico’ projector expert Gert Meyer has been discussing the feasibility of projecting the image from a mobile handset, and while the system is fraught with troubles on face value (battery life, using it while out and about, your hand getting in the way, image stability when pressing buttons, clarity in high ambient lighting), it conjures up an intriguing notion for the expansion of 'big screen' mobile gaming.

Meyer offers an intriguing, conceptual alternative in the shape of miniature, detached mobile projectors, which removes many of the issues such as a shaky image, playing a game in landscape mode or, as phone features improve, combining them with motion sensitive controls.

Naturally such a device would also be quite welcome to iPhone users, where the detailed problems regarding a built in projector are significantly compounded.

The technology for projecting an image from such small devices seems to be improving every day, making this a definite area of interest in the evolution mobile games industry.

Yes. Spanner's his real name. And, yes, he's heard that joke before.