
Nokia takes issue with Apple’s ‘largest mobile devices company’ claim

Blood pressure rising in Finland

Nokia takes issue with Apple’s ‘largest mobile devices company’ claim
Before Steve Jobs launched into the iPad launch announcement last week, he took a few minutes to remind everyone that Apple isn’t just great - it’s massive.

“Apple is now the world's largest mobile devices company,” Jobs proudly announced, (taking into account, iPhone, iPod and laptops). And while it’s unlikely anyone is going to add up all the figures and call their lawyer, Nokia has certainly taken issue.

Nokia’s Mark Squires took to the company blog to put matters straight, saying “there are articles floating around on the sphere that get my blood pressure rising to what my doctor is prone to call an ‘unreasonable level for a man of your years/weight/physical condition’.”

By chance, Squires was already working up some figures when Jobs made the claim, and pointed out that at least from a financial perspective, Nokia is still out in the lead.

“Nokia’s devices and services business from Oct-Dec was shown as €8.18 billion while the claimants turnover for “newly defined” mobile devices was €7.25 billion,” he explains, concluding that, “I, like the rest of my colleagues don’t use the words ‘Connecting People’ lightly.”

Back to you, Apple.

Yes. Spanner's his real name. And, yes, he's heard that joke before.