
Accumulate signs up Alcatel for Flexion wrapping

Android OT-980 the first handset to benefit

Accumulate signs up Alcatel for Flexion wrapping
It's no secret that the success of a purchase platform such as Flexion relies on its ability to reach consumers - which goes some way to explaining just why Accumulate has been signing deals with both carriers and OEMs aplenty since late last year.


The latest firm to sign up to the Flexion wrapping engine – which enables consumers to download full apps without paying for them in one lump sum – is mobile manufacturer Alcatel.

The company says the first phone to be Flexion compatible will be the Android powered OT-980.

Wrapping up the market

"We wanted to provide our customers with the best experience, but also create more revenues for our operator and publishing partners as well," said EMEA technical director at parent company TCT Mobile Emmanuel Lambert.

"Using the Flexion wrapper's try & buy service for the pre-loaded content we put on our new handsets will do just that. The agnostic approach that Accumulate has taken means that we can wrap both Java and Android content."

Flexible Flexion

Indeed, Flexion is being pitched as the perfect retail solution for pre-pay consumers, or those with low credit.

As such, Flexion's wrapping software enables titles to be downloaded in full, with the game then able to be split up and played in demo form, or even paid for in set increments.

"This is another significant global deal for us and confirms the movement from many in the industry to remove the old-fashioned demo," added Accumulate MD Jens Lauritzson.

"More and more people are looking to wrap content, giving customers a better experience and making more money for the industry."

Alcatel is just one of a growing number of partners Accumulate has secured for Flexion, with Sony-Ericsson the most major OEM to have signed up, back in October.

Major carriers such as 3, O2, and Orange are also on board.

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