
GetJar releases guidelines and case studies as it looks for more premium, exclusive releases

Get what Rovio, Zygna and Digital Chocolate got

GetJar releases guidelines and case studies as it looks for more premium, exclusive releases
The bigger GetJar gets, the less it looks like the underdog in the battle with first party app stores.

The free marketplace, which claims to be the largest independent app store on the planet, has made plenty of headlines lately, but not only due its own prevalence for detailing its expansion.

Rather, many column inches have been fostered thanks to its ability to pick up key Android releases to add to its roster – the likes of Rovio's Angry Birds, Zynga's Mafia Wars Atlantic City and an entire collection of titles from Digital Chocolate winging their way to GetJar exclusively for set periods.

Pluses all round

Their reasons for avoiding Android Market aside, such exclusive titles have enjoyed much success in their time on the marketplace; Mafia Wars clocked up downloads of more than 400,000 over Christmas, while Angry Birds on Android topped 2 million within days of launch on GetJar.

As you might expect, such developers have been given the red carpet treatment by GetJar, with the marketplace having launched the GetJar+ program to standardise its dealings with firms looking to offer exclusive releases.

It's a set up the store is now opening up to all, publishing documents detailing what hoops studios need to jump through to get their titles on board.

And the best thing is the service is free to publishers; while they can generate revenue using in-app advertising on their releases. 

The value of exclusivity"Since the launch of the GetJar+ program, we have been getting a lot of emails from developers and publishers stressing interest in wanting to know more and become involved in the program," GetJar says on its website.

"These premium applications are generally exclusives to GetJar for a limited basis or provide exclusive marketing activities to drive traffic to GetJar."

It's no surprise the company is so keen to pick up further GetJar+ titles, either.

If a user visits to sample an exclusive release, so they're more likely to visit again to sample the rest of the platform's line up, giving apps across the board a boost and making supporting GetJar a no brainer.

[source: GetJar]

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.