
Tapjoy partners with Apsalar to pioneer pay-per-action ads on iOS and Android

New SDK to track user conversions

Tapjoy partners with Apsalar to pioneer pay-per-action ads on iOS and Android
Given the assertion that a vast number of clicks on mobile ads are accidental, developers are naturally concerned that such forms of promo aren't nearly as effective as current analytics lead them to believe.

There are already several ad networks that, as a result, offer a pay-per-install framework, ensuring users have not only clicked on ads but installed the associated app before charging.

Tapjoy is to go one step further, however, extending the "conversion funnel" to guarantee users go beyond simply installing the app in question. 

They also have to engage with it to a degree determined by the developer.

All out action

Dubbed pay-per-action, the new SDK – developed in conjunction with behavioural analytics specialist Apsalar for both iOS and Android – should enable developers to better control how their marketing budget is spent.

For example, studios can decide users have to have viewed the game's tutorial, or played its opening stage, before they're charged.

"The pay-per-install model has proven extremely successful in driving cost-effective user acquisition for mobile developers," said Tapjoy senior product manager Linda Tong.

"The release of our pay-per-action SDK, however, takes that model to the next level. Now, instead of simply awarding virtual currency when a user installs your app, we allow you to incentivise users to get past level 1, for instance, or do whatever it is you feel will truly engage them in your app and get them to keep using it."

App advantageAs well as being a more cost effective model, Tapjoy claims the associated Apsalar analytics will enable developers to improve their titles in the long run.

By identifying the point at which most users give up on the game in question, the experience can then be adjusted in future updates to encourage them to play on further.

Developers or advertisers interested in signing up for Tapjoy's new pay-per-action SDK are advised to email info [at] tapjoy [dot] com.

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.