
MocoSpace names Harmonix's Robert Lindsley as new VP

Expansion of MocoSpace Game Platform firs priority

MocoSpace names Harmonix's Robert Lindsley as new VP
Most firms tend to describe any new appointments industry veterans, but a look at Robert Lindsley's career path suggests MocoSpace might have a point.

Lindsley, who has been named as the new VP of MocoSpace Games, joins the mobile social firm from Rock Band developer Harmonix, where he served as executive producer for almost two years.

However, prior to that, he'd also held similar positions at the likes of Atari, Mad Catz, Sierra and, for more than six years, Microsoft, where he had hand in the lauch of the original Xbox.

Opportunity knocks

"I'm very excited about joining a great team with an amazing opportunity," Lindsley said of his new appointment.

"With MocoSpace's audience, the idea of getting to build out a platform and games was too good to pass up."

Lindsley's early priorities will be twofold, with the further expansion of the MocoSpace Game Platform – the firm's 16 million user strong HTML5 powered games portal for mobile browsers – especially key.

He'll also be tasked with managing MocoSpace's own internal game development, bringing more first party titles to market.

Game on

"We are thrilled to have someone with Robert's gaming chops on board," said MocoSpace CEO Justin Siegel.

"This hire will really advance us towards our goal of delivering a great game experience to our large, fast-growing smartphone audience."

MocoSpace's two existing games – Stage Hero and Street Wars – have already enjoyed success in the few short months they've been on the market, with the latter pulling in more than 370,000 monthly active users.

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