
Dale Strang on how Viximo's off-Facebook social platform is now hooked up for mobile

Reaching the players Zuckerberg cannot reach

Dale Strang on how Viximo's off-Facebook social platform is now hooked up for mobile
If you think that Facebook is the only social gaming website in the world, Viximo's CEO Dale Strang might not actually laugh out loud, but inside he'll probably be stifling a giggle.

You see, Viximo offers its white label social platform for companies who want to take their games onto other social platforms - the so-called 'off-Facebook' opportunity.

It says there are over 30 'niche' social networks which have more than 1 million members and they monetise at Facebook rates, or better.

Viximo works with social platform such as Yahoo, Google+, Orkut, IMVU, Gaia and Tuenti to refine their social features and monetisation.

It adds up to an audience of over 200 million users running on its technology.

Missing piece

And it's getting heavily into mobile with support for iOS and Android added under the banner of its Social Zone.

"We've been looking at mobile for about six months, and have been live for a couple of weeks. We've already had hundreds of developers signing up," Strang explains.

"It fits into the industry trend. Developers want to go cross-platform and have access to a social platform that offers more than canned leaderboards and achievements."

An individual's graph can be populated via their address book, Facebook, Twitter, or any supported regional social networks, something Viximo calls its Social Supergraph.

In the background

According to Strang, that's how Viximo offers the best of all worlds.

As well as its wide support, it has its own real-time presence system that handles everything from push notifications to SMS and email.

Equally important, building on top of all those users comes Viximo's recommendation, promotional and user acquisition services.

"We're a white label service, so it's not about our brand in front of the consumer," Strand says.

"The developers focus on their games and we benefit from the network activity."

This is split into direct usage revenue terms of running push notification and messaging. The place Viximo expects to make its real money, however, is install activity; something backed up with its own analytics suite. Combining the two are things such as gifting, incentivised actions and CRM functionality.

It's also talking to mobile ad networks to see how they can fit into the system.

So you don't have to

The result is an open network that's happy to sit in the background, powering the success of both indie developers and large publishers, across web and mobile.

"Aside from everything else we offer, we're future proof," Strang says.

"Today the issue's [in mobile's] all about UDIDs. In iOS 6, it will be something else for developers to worry about. But we handle all of that engineering effect."

In this way he argues Viximo provides developers a powerful superset when it comes to social gaming.

Sure, it's not Facebook, but potentially, it's access to everything other than Facebook, and that's a lot of other.

You can find out more about Viximo via its website, or its mobile platform here.
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.