
Google opens up App Inventor for Android for everyone

Drag and drop program remains in beta

Google opens up App Inventor for Android for everyone
Originally unveiled back in July, so positive has been the response to Google's App Inventor for Android that the company has decided to open up its toolset to everyone.

The program - though still only in beta form - allows non-programmers or those without any practical development skills to piece together their only app for the platform, simply by moving building blocks around in the browser.

Celebrity creativity

According to program manager Karen Parker, so inventive have some of the apps created using the toolset to date, Google decided it would serve the interests of consumers to allow everyone – providing they have a Google account – to have a go.

"All sorts of people - teachers and students, parents and kids, programming hobbyists and programming newbies - were building Android apps that perfectly fit their needs," says Parker on Google's research blog.

"We are so impressed with the great things people have done with App Inventor, we want to allow more people the opportunity to do great things."

Those looking to employ Google's App Inventor can register and download the program from its home page. Google is also encouraging users to share their progress on the App Inventor user forum.

[source: Google]

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.