
Amazon testing in-app purchase system for Kindle Fire

Pilot's been working for over a month

Amazon testing in-app purchase system for Kindle Fire
Following news that Amazon was running an invitation-only beta SDK, more details surrounding the online retailer's venture into in-app purchases have surfaced, which is expected to go live soon. 

Both subscriptions and purchases of items will be supported within apps with Amazon taking the standard 30 percent cut of the revenue generated.

Every little helps

One developer, which has been involved in the beta program for a month, spoke about her hopes for the model.

Maria Ly, co-founder of fitness provider Skimble, said the system is still in its early stages but she remains "very optimistic about it".

"We really wanted to attack the Kindle Fire market, but also have access to the payment methods that support our business."

[source: Businessweek]

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