Week that was

PocketGamer.biz Week That Was: Supercell and GungHo team up, E3 looms, and OMGPOP bursts

The past 7 days in bite-sized portions

PocketGamer.biz Week That Was: Supercell and GungHo team up, E3 looms, and OMGPOP bursts
The industry's going through some growing pains, with news of layoffs and restructuring dominating the first business days of the month.

Tapjoy culled a reported 10 percent of its workforce while Zynga slashed 18 percent of its employee base when it let 520 people go.

Amongst those 520 were the now-shuttered studio OMGPOP, which took the news of its closing in stride.

Yet we know that earning a pink slip is just a part of the business - and many see even see it as a badge of honour.

While some of those laid off might leave the industry, events both casual and more formal have already popped up to present Zynga alumns with new opportunities.

They'll find jobs if they want them, and the industry will be better - and stronger - for it.

But enough of that maudlin talk, plenty of others things happened over the past seven days so let's dive in!

Tools and platforms


Industry voices

Funding, start ups and acquisitions

US Correspondent

Representing the former colonies, Matt keeps the Pocket Gamer news feed updated when sleepy Europeans are sleeping. As a frustrated journalist, diehard gamer and recovering MMO addict, this is pretty much his dream job.