
Quality Index: The week's best iPhone games – Sky Combat and Infinight!

Critically acclaimed

Quality Index: The week's best iPhone games – Sky Combat and Infinight!
Welcome to the weekly iPhone Quality Index (Qi) games round-up, giving you the LOWdown on the HIGH scorers every Friday on these hallowed pages.

As you may already know, Qi trawls the web for iPhone game reviews from the world’s most respected online and print sources.
Qi then applies its own magic formula to each site (such as 148Apps, Macworld, and TouchGen) to establish a single definitive Qi score for each iPhone app and game.

Bullet heaven

Dodging and weaving its way onto Qi’s Top 10 games runway this week flies Sky Combat, a beautifully designed vertical shooter from prolific iOS publisher Chillingo.

Take down the enemy in a trio of craft - comprising an Apache chopper, a battle boat, and an armoured tank – and deploy tilt and touch mechanics to manoeuvre yourself through the inevitable bulletstorm.

The three difficulty tiers, Game Center integration, subtle particle effects, and intricately detailed vistas have helped Sky Combat amass a fusillade of fabulous debriefings and land a Quality Index rating of 8.4.
Slide to Play recognises that even if after completing the ‘regular’ campaign, “you can take the helicopter through an endless mode, which we thought was a great addition.”

Infinight and beyond

Before downloading Infinight onto your iPhone, it’s worth investing in a pair of night vision goggles. Trust Qi, you’ll thank us in the end... if you ever get there.

50 levels of suspense and mystery lie ahead for your nervous heroine, as she navigates through pitch black environments to the exit and a guaranteed appointment with a cardiologist / therapist.

With lightning flashes along the way and echoes reverberating off the various death traps, you’re not left completely alone in the dark during LambdaMu’s 8.2 Qi-scoring narrative.

In Eurogamer’s unashamedly spooked opinion, “Infinight is actually quite an unsettling little bugger. Its simple top-down aesthetic belies the intensity of having to perpetually tread the finest of lines between escape and torment.”

You can get the up-to-date information about which games are reviewing best over at the Quality Index.

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