
Think your game can top Badland? Apply for Game Connection Europe 2013 and prove it

Three new categories announced

Think your game can top Badland? Apply for Game Connection Europe 2013 and prove it
Preparations for Game Connection Europe in Paris this December are getting off to a strong start.

Supported by the IGDA, the annual call for 15 nominees once again provides an excellent opportunity for indies or start-up studios to pitch their games to a panel of publishers, distributors and industry experts with the hopes of securing a deal and/or investment.

Three for all

While there's never been a restriction on genre, platform, or distribution channel, Game Connection created three new categories this year to provide entrants with three new chances to win.

Mobile - Tablet & Handheld is one of the new categories, standing alongside Social, Casual, & Online, and Console & PC Hardcore.

Last year's Game Connection Europe 2012 winner, Badland, went on to receive an Apple Design Award at Apple's WWDC and became one of the most talked about indie games of the year - owing in no small part to the recognition it received from Game Connection.

Those interested in applying to Game Connection Europe 2013 - bound for the French capital between 3-5 December - can apply here. Those looking to download rules and regulations can do so by clicking here.

US Correspondent

Representing the former colonies, Matt keeps the Pocket Gamer news feed updated when sleepy Europeans are sleeping. As a frustrated journalist, diehard gamer and recovering MMO addict, this is pretty much his dream job.