Hot Five

Hot Five: iPhone 5, iPod touch, iOS 6, Dead Trigger and rise of Clash of Clans

Last week's top five stories

Hot Five: iPhone 5, iPod touch, iOS 6, Dead Trigger and rise of Clash of Clans
Welcome to's weekly rundown of the stories clocking up the hits, picking up the click-throughs and generally keeping the advertisers happy by serving up page views.

Or, if you'd prefer, the top five stories currently dominating our readers' attention.

Each week, we'll be counting down the biggest news from the previous seven days, giving just a glimpse of the industry's big issues, from five to one.

Developers on iPhone 5: Apple has lost its sparkle, but iPhone remains top dog

The announcement of iPhone 5 was the week's big story, so it was no surprise that developers' reaction to the new hardware was a popular read.

While some were disappointed about the lack of headline innovation, the majority seem pleased with the business as usual approach.

"It seems to be the ultimate in refinement - faster, lighter, sexier," offered Halfbrick CMO Phil Larsen.

"I tend to be a bit conservative - life's hard enough without having to develop for a new machine with 3D holographic display and touch-a-rama technology," said Spilt Milk Studios MD Andrew Smith.

"I'd rather concentrate on milking the existing tech."

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The Charticle: Supercell's 'tablet first' strategy doesn't stop Clash of Clans surging up iPhone top grossing chartsOur regular analysis of the chart continues to attract readers. Last week, news editor James Nouch considered the rise of Supercell's Clash of the Clans up the iPhone and iPad top grossing charts.

Despite (or because of?) the company's 'tablet first' approach, the game is succeeded on both platforms.

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Apple planning major app discovery and purchasing overhaul with iOS 6Despite the iPhone 5 news, iOS 6 seems to be a case of the dog that's not barking.

Apple's OS is generally recognised as needing a brush up, if only in terms of the graphical user interface. This seems unlikely, but there are plenty of rumours concerning how changes will ease app distribution and discovery.

Chartboost's Clay Kellogg reckons Apple will enable apps to be downloaded without opening iTunes, while free game downloads won't require you to enter your password.

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Right on target: The making of Dead Trigger

Madfinger's zombie shooter Dead Trigger hit the headlines for many reasons.

But aside from its graphics and switch to the free-to-play model, the game is also remarkable for being created by four developers over five months.

In this Making of article, we talk to senior programmer Petr Benysek and sales and marketing manager Anna Porizkova about the development process, particularly the advantages of using the Unity engine.

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Apple unveils 5th generation iPod touchA small part of the iPhone 5 announcement was the refresh of the iPod touch line.

Once a key device for game developers to target, the iPod touch's importance has been hit by the rise of the iPad. The new hardware, and the more playful coloured options, may see a resurgence in interest, both consumer and developer, however.

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Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.