
Crash Lab on why it's publishing its debut game Twist Pilot with Zynga

Big dog's reach

Crash Lab on why it's publishing its debut game Twist Pilot with Zynga
UK start up Crash Lab may be small - just three co-founders, plus one - but given its ex-Rare/Free Radical Design pedigree - it should be perfectly formed.

And it's now releasing its debut games to prove the fact.

The Snowman & The Snow Dog will be out for Christmas with UK TV company Channel 4, while Twist Pilot is already released for PS Vita (and Android) via Sony Mobile's PlayStation Mobile initiative.

The big headline, however, is that the developer has partnered with Zynga to bring the game to iOS (and Android).

It's the third game to be released via the Zynga Partners for Mobile Program, alongside Curious Brain's Super Bunny Breakout and Phosphor's Horn.

Woof, woof

"You can't just put a game into the App Store and expect to find an audience," argues MD Steve Ellis.

"Partnering with Zynga makes a lot of sense. What's the point of releasing a game if no one knows it's out," adds design director Martin Wakeley.

"Zynga has a great distribution channel. It wouldn't be possible for us to get the same reach. "

New wave

Surprisingly, perhaps, Twist Pilot is what could be called a classic arcade puzzler game. Indeed it's priced at 99c/69p and doesn't have any in-app purchases either.

Not a typical Zynga game then.

"I can't comment on Zynga's business model, but I think it's a win-win situation," Wakeley remarks.

Certainly, both he and Ellis have nothing but positive things to say in terms of how Zynga has managed the publishing process.

"It left us alone to make the game we wanted to make," Wakeley says. "It's been refreshing."

What matters?

Of course, there is the issue that Zynga will be the name with which Twist Pilot is associated on the App Store and Google Play.

But Ellis points out Crash Lab's hasn't given away its rights and its logo will be visible on the splash screen when the game boots up.

"Zynga's not plastered all over the game. People in the industry will know it's our game. It's more important it gets released well," he adds.

"Zynga's been nothing but a good partner."

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.