Hot Five

The Hot Five: Glu's clean, Zynga's slammed, Tapjoy's innovative and iTunes is getting scammed

Last week's top five stories

The Hot Five: Glu's clean, Zynga's slammed, Tapjoy's innovative and iTunes is getting scammed
There's a lot of content running on - the home of news, features and views on the business of app stores, smartphone platforms, developments in mobile game making and assorted technology.

So, what better way to start a new week than to look back on the biggest stories of the past week? 

Starting from five and heading down to one, these were our most popular articles from the last seven days. 

Tapjoy named as gaming's most innovative company in Fast Company top 50

Surprising to some - particularly the absence of Rovio - nevertheless, business-focused website Fast Company announced its top 50 most innovative companies list.

Tapjoy was #1 in the gaming category, coming out #27 overall. Apple was first.

Click here to read more.

'We're a very clean company and it's slowed down our growth', says Glu's De Masi

Further to our interview with Glu Mobile CEO Niccolo De Masi about the company's FY11 financials, we discussed the farm bot issue.

"We're the only mobile publisher which is compliant with Sarbanes–Oxley [post-Enron US accounting rules]," De Masi said.

"We're a very clean company, something that's slowed down our growth compared to others."

Click here to read more.

RIM extends its free PlayBook for Android app submission program

RIM continues to seed the development community with its PlayBook tablets. Indeed, it's extended its program of giving a free PlayBook to each developer who signs up to submit an Android app until 2 March.

So far, 6,600 new developers have signed up and 1,500 apps have been submitted.

Click here to read more.

Developer says Apple isn't helping it defend itself from Chinese iTunes scammers

A story that seems likely to run and run, we spoke to an anonymous Chinese company which was complaining that Apple wasn't helping it protect its business from scammers using hacked iTunes accounts and stolen credit cards.

"What would be more efficient would be if Apple told us about fraudulent payments on a user level so we could punish every cheater and so stop our players purchasing from hackers," it said.

Click here to read more.

Dream Heights' App Store debut marred by myriad of 1 star reviews

The impact of Clonegate continues with the launch of Zynga's alleged Tiny Tower clone Dream Heights caught up in a backlash.

Angry developers and consumers rated the game with 1 stars, although Zynga attempted to hide these by releasing an update, resetting the front page of user reviews.

Click here to read more.

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.