Hot Five

Hot Five: HandyGames is 50 million-strong, Glu goes gambling again, the size of whales, and Running with Friends gets paid

Last week's top five stories

Hot Five: HandyGames is 50 million-strong, Glu goes gambling again, the size of whales, and Running with Friends gets paid
Welcome to's weekly rundown of the stories clocking up the hits, picking up the click-throughs and generally keeping us happy by serving up page views.

Or, if you'd prefer, the top five stories currently dominating our readers' attention.

Each week, we'll be counting down the biggest news from the previous seven days, giving just a glimpse of the industry's big issues, from five to one.

This week, we've got plenty of stories about money, numbers and mobile gaming middleware... and those publicly owned companies Zynga and Glu. 

It would be a proper Hot Five without either Glu or Zynga.

Glu to launch cash prize competitions in US starting with Deer Hunter on Android

Having launched real-money gaming in the UK, Glu has turned its attention to the US.

Of course, you can't - yet - do pure real-money gambling online in the US, but in 37 states you can run real-money gambling on online skilled-based tournaments.

Glu has linked up with US company Skillz to integrated its platform, with the Android version of Deer Hunter: Reloaded the first titles to support the new service. More will follow in the second half of 2013.

Read more here.

50 million downloads-strong: HandyGames on taming and monetising Google Play

Having reached 50 million downloads from Google Play, we caught up with Christopher Kassulke, the CEO of German developer HandyGames to find out more.

"Quality first! That counts on all platforms, not only Google Play. The product itself need to be high quality otherwise consumers will not rate the product or speak about it," Kassulke said.

He also added, " Android is a very lucrative platform for us. You just need to understand how to monetise on Android. It's completely different to what you know and used on iOS".

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Immersion shakes things up, adds SDK support via Unity, Marmalade and GameMaker

Haptics specialist Immersion has been making moves on Android, with over 600 apps and games now using its SDK.

Immersion is looking to increase that number substantially during 2013; something its announced integrations with Unity, Marmalada and GameMaker will no doubt greatly encourage.

Read more here.

Chart of the Week: How 0.0077% of players generate 33% of F2P game revenue

We've always known that a small number of players account for a large proportion of free-to-play revenue.

However, research from behaviour analytics outfit Playnomics suggest this is much more skewed than the assumed 20:80 or even 10:90 split.

It pointed out that just 134 players - out of total of 1.7 million in the survey - generated $192,874; that was 33 percent of the total F2P revenue.

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The Charticle: After a slow start, Zynga accelerates with paid versions of Running with Friends

Zynga's Running with Friends was the subject for this week's Charticle.

It's been performing okay, mainly on iPhone, where it's been in the top 20 top grossing games in the US. It's not really working on iPad: interestingly Zynga has separate iPhone and iPad versions of the free-to-play app.

But even more interesting is the company is now also testing a $5 paid version of the game - something we're keen to see the impact of.

Read more here

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.