
AppNation 2011: Bolt Creative and Distinct Dev highlight Tapjoy's value in gaining iOS sales

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AppNation 2011: Bolt Creative and Distinct Dev highlight Tapjoy's value in gaining iOS sales
In a panel talk entitled 'The App Rockstars: 100 million downloads... and counting,' there was plenty of support for troubled iOS incentivisation scheme Tapjoy.

"I've found it a lot cheaper to gain downloads through Tapjoy, because we're a paid app, compared than other marketing methods," says Dave Castelnuovo, co-founder, Bolt Creative (Pocket God).

Berkeley Malagon, CEO, Distinct Dev agrees.

"Recently Tapjoy has been one of the most effective ways to getting The Moron Test to the top of the chart, and then enabling organic growth and discoverability," he explains.

"When we did standard advertising, it worked out at around $10 per download." Not good for a $1 game.

Network effect

Of course, following Apple's rejection of apps using Tapjoy's per download incentivisation scheme, and the company's subsequent decision to cap its scheme, developers are currently unsure about the future for this highly efficient model.

"Developers need to move beyond word of month and build a franchise; that's key," says Andrej Nabergoj, CEO of Outfit7, behind the 100 million downloaded Talking Friends series.

However, thanks to that number of downloads spread across six free and four paid apps, the company is now fairly self sufficient as it can cross promote its releases, and doesn't need external help.

The question of pushing discoverability for developers launching new apps and games remains much more uncertain.
Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.