
Uplinq 2011: 'Mobile is the dominant computing platform and it's never going back' says Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs

#uplinq The future's bright

Uplinq 2011: 'Mobile is the dominant computing platform and it's never going back' says Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs
Kicking off Qualcomm's 2001 Uplinq developers conference in San Diego, CEO Paul Jacobs took a visionary tack.

He told the audience, "Mobile is the largest technology platform in the history of mankind. We are seeing one of the greatest waves of creativity in history."

The reason for his optimism for the future is that mobile has overtaken the traditional PC market.

"Mobile is the first citizen in every tech category going," Jacobs argued.

"The principle for us isn't the devices, it's the opportunities they deliver. Mobile is the dominant computing platform and it's never going back.

Star quality

As one example of this, Qualcomm has created a joint company with Hollywood agency CAA - Creative Mobile Labs.

CAA's business development director Michael Yanover spoke about his hopes for the future.

"We're combining the best talents of Hollywood with the best talent in mobile development to create the greatest consumer experiences," he said.

"CML will be pushing the boundaries on what is possible in terms of games and entertainment apps."

In particular, he highlighted the excitement around augmented reality, something he said, "Represents one of the most exciting parts of this new paradigm."

"Large corporations are reiminaging their entire marketing with AR."

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.