
On 3rd Sept, Pocket God players averaged 41 sessions each

Teens and tweens love killing pygmies

On 3rd Sept, Pocket God players averaged 41 sessions each
The chaps at Bolt Creative are always generous when it comes to handing out the data they've gained via the success of the 1.5 million-selling Pocket God.

The latest reveal is there are more iPod touch than iPhone players of the game; although the split is roughly 50:50.

This is different to most other games on the App Store, which generally split 70:30 in favour of iPhone.

"Pocket God users skew towards the iPod touch more than most other games backs up because we reach a largely untapped market of teens, tweens, parents and their kids," explained Bolt Creative's David Castelnuovo.

More figures shown how dedicated Pocket God users can be: the app has been launched more than 50 million times by roughly 1.5 million unique users; which on average is 33 games each.

But on Thursday 3rd September 2009, 8,400 unique users launched the game over 352,000 times - an average of 41 sessions per user during the 24-hour period.

It was a black day indeed for virtual pygmies.

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.