
Ballmer says Microsoft has screwed up with Windows Mobile 6.5

Reorg in place for WiMob 7

Ballmer says Microsoft has screwed up with Windows Mobile 6.5
Windows Mobile 6.5 has been on the cards for most of 2009, and is due to be released in October, but Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is unhappy with the pace of change.

He thinks Windows Mobile 7 should already be out.

At least that's according to sources at Microsoft's Venture Capital Summit who reported he said Microsoft "screwed up with Windows Mobile" and has since re-organised the development team with an injection of new talent to improve its performance.

Windows Mobile 6.5 was originally to be a minor update but over time has had more features added to it, including Internet Explorer Mobile and support for the Windows Mobile Marketplace.

Windows Mobile 7 is due to be released in 2010, with a beta made available at the end of 2009.

New user interface, the latest version of Internet Explorer Mobile, accelerometer control, a new media player, and multi-touch controls are expected.

Although whether that will be enough to catch up with fast moving competitors such as Apple iPhone OS and Google Android is another matter entirely.

[source: Computerworld]

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A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.