
Fishlabs: iPhone 5's app ecosystem will compensate for a lack of new features

It's a guaranteed best seller

Fishlabs: iPhone 5's app ecosystem will compensate for a lack of new features
Apple's iPhone 5 launch may steal the headlines, but it's actually iOS 6 and its new features within that will have a greater bearing on the firm's continued leadership of the smartphone market.

This is something not lost on developers. Indeed, the general view appears to be that, on the hardware front, there's now very little room for innovation on iPhone.

It's iOS 6 and its associated apps that will push the market forward.

We caught up with Michael Schade, CEO of Fishlabs, for his take on where iPhone 5 and iOS 6 will take the industry over the course of the next 12 months.

Pocket Gamer: Broadly speaking, what did you make of Apple's iPhone 5 unveiling?

Michael Schade: The iPhone 5 is an important step to catch up with Samsung Galaxy S III in terms of screensize and rendering power.

Also, the many improvements and new features in iOS 6 - in particular seamless Facebook integration - will make the user experience just better once again.

Personally, I find it very hard to switch and I have tried many times just to get understanding what Apple's competition is offering.

Specifically from a developer's point of view, what features excite you the most about the new iPhone?

Dead simple: bigger screen and more rendering power to let high-end games shine even more.

We have plenty improvements like bloom and refraction shaders up our sleeves to make Galaxy on Fire 2 HD look even more stunning on the iPhone 5. In the upcoming Supernova add-on it's already build-in so we just have to flip the switch.

Of course, we will support the new 1136x640 Retina display right from the start.

Is there anything missing from the device?

Well, for devs like us there is never enough memory or rendering power combined with better battery life!

Personally, there is really one major thing that I am missing and that is a larger number of emails that I can have access to.

What kind of impact do you think it will have on the market. Is this a guaranteed best seller?

Are you kidding? Of course, it will sell like hot cakes!

It may have less features than the competition but the whole integration with the App Store and the number of quality apps as well as the painless migration of all your content is second to none.
Thanks to Michael for his time.

With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font.