
AppsFire says its users have each spent $80 on iPhone apps

Mind the hardcore bias though

AppsFire says its users have each spent $80 on iPhone apps
In the battle between damn lies and survey statistics, the most important thing to know is the basis of the knowledge.

The latest company to come up with some numbers about iPhone users is AppsFire, a company with an app enabling you to share the apps on your iPhone and iPod touch with your friends.

It surveyed 1,200 of its users, mainly based in the US, France and Japan during July and August 2009, to find out how they were using their devices.

At least it points out this group has a natural bias as early adopters. Personally, I’d call them extremely hardcore users.

Anyhow, the data comes out as, on average, they have;

65 apps per device

spent $80 on apps per device

$1.56 was the average price of an app

54 percent of apps installed were free

7 percent of users only had free apps

From such information, AppsFire calculates the entire iPhone apps market since launch (14 months) is worth $3.3 billion.

As a comparison, mobile advertising company AdMob recently did its own survey and came up with a figure of $2.5 billion per year. AdMob’s survey was likely skewed towards the hardcore too.

AdMob also reported that Android and iPhone users download approximately 10 new apps per month, while iPod touch owners download an average of 18 per month.

You can see the full AppsFire report here.

Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.