
Finnish fun: Pocket Gamer's Mobile Mixer heads for Helsinki

Get ready to debate on 12 November

Finnish fun: Pocket Gamer's Mobile Mixer heads for Helsinki

Hey, do you like Pocket Gamer Mobile Mixers? Wait, what am I asking? Of course you do!

Our next Mobile Mixer - put together with the help of our friends at Unity, Rovio and Everyplay - will be taking place in Helsinki on 12 November, and we want you to join us there.

Adams Club at 5.30 pm is the place to be if you fancy a cocktail of hot topics and cold beers. You can even stick around after our event for the official IGDA Finland gathering with Facebook, which starts as soon as our Mixer has finished.

Think. Drink. Connect

If for some reason you don't know what a Mobile Mixer is, allow is to enlighten you.  

Our Mobile Mixers bring together the greatest minds and freshest faces from the world of mobile games development from around the world, before pitting them against one another in a heated - and incredibly fun - interactive debate.

A packed audience at our Mixer at Cologne in August

So, get yourself signed up early to avoid the queues, and don't forget to bring your business cards to gain entry to this lively, engaging, and -frankly - unmissable event.

What do you call someone who has an unhealthy obsession with video games and Sean Bean? That'd be a 'Chris Kerr'. Chris is one of those deluded souls who actually believes that one day Sean Bean will survive a movie. Poor guy.