
Ouya creators promise annual hardware revisions

And engagement rankings to aid discovery

Ouya creators promise annual hardware revisions
CEO Julie Uhrman has revealed that Ouya hardware will be refreshed on an annual basis in order to take advantage of the latest advancements in mobile computing.

And although the hardware's capabilities will grow every 12 months, the system's $99 pricepoint will not.

Speaking to the Verge at the DICE Summit currently taking place in Las Vegas, Uhrman outlined the proposed Ouya hardware strategy.

"Our plan is to have a yearly refresh of Ouya where we leverage the best-performing chips and take advantage of falling component prices to create the best experience we can at the $99 price point.

"If we could do it for less than $99, we would."

Discovery, engaged

Uhrman also went into more detail about the Ouya's approach to curation and discovery. Although the Ouya team will block pornography, malware and copyright infringement, the Android unconsole will not reject games based on quality.

So, in order to help users sort the wheat from the inevitable chaff, Uhrman is proposing a system that highlights the most engaging games on the platform. Engagement rankings, she argues, will be more useful to players than the existing app store charts.

"We don't believe it's the number of downloads, or the amount of money spent. It's how many times you play a game in a given period of time, and how quickly you start playing a game," Uhrman explained.

"When you boot up Ouya, how many times is it the first game you play? How many friends do you tell about a particular game? These are indicators that you really love a game."

[source: The Verge]
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